Blockchain can be used to address voter fraud, manage supply chain, level the music industry, and track the life of a turkey. Or, maybe not. As with any new and exciting technology that comes out, it’s easy to get caught up in all of the amazing potential it holds....
Blockchain, blockchain, blockchain. If you spend any time reading about news in the technology sector, it’s a word you’re very familiar with. While it is overhyped relative to the utility currently online, the technology will have a lot of long term applications well...
I’m thinking of you, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, as I write this. Not actually you, more like the mental image I have based on reading Mr. Levy’s book “In The PLEX.” So what’s the point of this letter? I want Google to transform education in the most fundamental way....
Blockchain technology, in the form of digital credentials, is already being used in some higher education institutions across the United States and the world. Different colleges are utilizing the technology in different ways, with some schools taking a more innovative...
Blockchain technology continues to be a driving force behind change in almost every major industry. It’s the power behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Though it’s a less-discussed sector, blockchain can do a lot to vastly improve the education system....
Blockchain is one of the biggest buzzwords to emerge in this young millennium. It’s potential to disrupt many major industries and its applications for the future are the sources of many think pieces. With its potential in the field of education, should we start...