Cuomo’s ‘Reimagine Education’ Technology Plan Is Doomed to Fail
If attention is driving the digital economy, MINDFULNESS determines profitability.

New Bitcoin Book (It Only Looks Like It’s About Education)
Public high school principal Nadav Zeimer takes readers through an in-depth evaluation of how digital technology is poised to transform education. Zeimer’s solution-focused construct, academic capital, eliminates the need for standardized tests in favor of youth media creation.

Bitcoin Will Never Be Money
I have lots of questions about Bitcoin. I also have a lot of strongly held beliefs about it. These opposing cognitive forces cause my view of Bitcoin to evolve as those smarter than I help inform my thinking. Bitcoin will never be “money” as economists define it,...

GBA Podcast Discussing #DigitalNativeAcademicCredits
Listen here to Mr. Zeimer discussing #DigitalNativeAcademicCredits with GBA’s Gerard Daché following Nadav’s appearance as a speaker at the GBA Conference.

Appearance on Cryptology Podcast

A Response to Current Trends in the Human-Digital Interface
This is an investment in youth media as a proxy for exam scores. Literally investing in our future by giving a monthly cash infusion to those who show the greatest promise as digital natives. The resulting network of youth voices will cause an explosion of young creativity and vision to the mainstream narrative because cash-strapped media companies will have a free trove of high quality youth voices to use in their broadcasts.

What is Tendermint?
Tendermint is a low-level blockchain protocol made up of two pieces: a blockchain consensus engine and a general application interface. The core of the network facilitates a peer-to-peer network and offers a proof-of-stake consensus. Tendermint is designed to...

What are Private Cryptocurrencies and Why Would you Use Them?
Many people view Bitcoin as an anonymous way to make transactions. However, Bitcoin is actually one of the least private types of cryptocurrency. Several other cryptocurrencies are specifically designed to be private and anonymous. Privacy and anonymity are not...

What is PolkaDot?
PolkaDot is new, generalizable second layer blockchain framework that hopes to allow current blockchains to communicate with each other. This multi-chain framework platform is made to ease scalability, interoperability, fungibility, and privacy of widely different...

Nadav Zeimer Interviewed on his book “The Big Deal: The End of Jobs, The E-Birth of Work and a New Role for Education”
Listen to Nadav Zeimer's interview here.Learn more about Nadav Zeimer's book here.Interviewer: So where did you get the idea for this book? Nadav Zeimer: So the book really comes from my lived experience. Uh, so as a student of physics and then a software engineer...